Website Design Hobart

Trout Tales Tasmania

Trout Tales Tasmania required a website update to enhance their trout fly fishing packages, enable people to more easily book and also improve their search engine rankings.


Matt Stone

Project Problem Statement

While visually strong, Matt's existing website lacked that element of professionalism and ease of use that was essential for the trout fly fishing business. Getting found online was also becoming increasingly important to Matt, so a strong SEO emphasis was required.

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Project Features

  • website redevelopment from existing website;
  • design based on client branding;
  • mobile and tablet responsive;
  • strong SEO improvement focus;
  • links to social media;
  • blog and client editor;
  • email setup.

Project Outcomes

The redeveloped Trout Tales Tasmania website was launched in the middle of 2021.

The update features hints to the existing website's strong branding and colours, however tidies up the bulk of content and provides a clearer, logical structure for users.

Importance is still placed on both providing information on the trout fly fishing packages and enabling people to book - however additional information such as about the business and Matt, the resources, and the blog are also streamlined.

Since launch, there's been a positive increase with Trout Tales Tasmania's search engine rankings.

While still early days, our SEO efforts have halved (the lower the better) the average rank of the primary keywords - meanwhile organic traffic (traffic from searches) has gone from "1" in March 2021 to a high of "39" in August (Source: SEMRush Domain Overview) and continues to improve.

Organic keywords (the amount of keywords the website ranks for) have also improved from a total of 50 to 142 over the same timeframe (Source: SEMRush Domain Overview).

Even small aspects, such as website speed, are important when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation - Trout Tales Tasmania achieves a rank of 97/100 on desktop view and has recently been enabled for Schema Markup to further enhance both rankings, but also user experience.

The team here at Domin8 Designs Tasmania are also working hard with Matt to continue to improve this search engine presence - and ensure the upcoming trout season is a ripper for Trout Tales Tasmania; off the back of their revamped online presence.

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