Athletics South

Athletics South engaged Domin8 Designs to redevelop their existing website, creating a more legible structure and visually attractive online presence.


Athletics South

Project Problem Statement

Whilst updated regularly, Athletics South's existing site was developed in a platform that didn't allow for easy navigation and maintenance. The site was fixed in it's structure, making it difficult for regular uses to find relevant information, and also lacked a modern visual appearance.

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Project Features

  • website redevelopment;
  • mobile and tablet views;
  • brief development that led to;
  • key strategies implemented;
  • social media links;
  • content management;
  • client updates.

Project Outcomes

The Athletics South website was launched in October 2019 ahead of the local track and field season down in Hobart.

We're really happy with the initial outcome of the website, delivering a solid structure and navigation enhanced though a simple but effective design.

Key focus: enable visitors to find latest results

The key focus of the website, aside from a visual update, is to provide a more direct pathway to the latest results - the number one use of the website.

There are three main ways we aim to achieve this, primarily through the button on the 'above the fold' area of the homepage. Secondary strategies include the highlighted button in the menu, and providing an area on the homepage which automatically shows the latest results, thanks to the content management system.

image of arrow pointing to results
Key placement makes it easier to find results.
Client updates:

Another important factor was the upskilling and ability for the client themselves to add to and maintain the website.

Areas such as the results, clubs and downloads were all setup using the content management system - meaning easy amendments and additions. The majority of the content here was input by the client, and will continue to do so.

Other features

The use of images and colour enhance the design of the Athletics South website. This is specifically done through the use of the organisations 'yellow' used in any buttons.

The four key areas on the homepage also address key users wants and needs, identified through the brief development process.

Both Google Analytics and Search Console were established to help track, and optimise, the website since launch, so we're interested to see the response both from the local athletics community but also the wider public who may be looking to get involved.

Thanks to the Athletics South team for the opportunity to redevelop their website, we're looking forward to working together to continue to develop and maintain the website and their online presence.

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